GEQ1000 Asking Questions
Module: GEQ1000 Asking Questions
Semester taken: AY 2019/20 Semester 1
Lecturer: Various
Tutor: Ms Yvette Seow Yuwei
Textbook: None
What it is about
This module supposedly teaches you to question everything that you learn, and introduces the different modes of questioning in the 6 pillars covered by the module, namely physics, computational thinking, engineering, economics and design.
Assessment components
Humanities/Philosophy MCQ: 6%
Science/Physics MCQ: 6%
Forum 1 (first 3 posts): 7%
Computational Thinking MCQ: 6%
Final Reflection Draft: 4%
Engineering MCQ: 6%
Social Sciences/ Economics MCQ: 6%
Forum 2 (next 3 posts): 7%
Design MCQ: 6%
Design Online Tutorial (Wallet): 6%
Final Reflection Paper: 10%
I have no idea what I am learning from this module, even after going through 13 weeks of lessons. I did not watch any of the videos as I felt that NUS video production quality is extremely bad, so I resorted to using Ctrl + F on the transcripts and readings.
The workload is extremely light, almost negligible save for the time that you need to spend searching for answers for the quizzes and tutorials every fortnight. However, they got a little creative with the way they ask questions for the quizzes, which will require you to read the context to have a better understanding. However, Telegram group chats are a great way to “outsource” that work to others.
This module is graded on a pass/fail basis, and it is extremely hard to fail unless you forget to complete one of the components. The components do not take much time, so just remember to do them before the deadline.
The tutorials are 2 hours every 2 weeks and there are a lot of hands-on activities that the tutor will get you to do during the lesson. They are supposedly a way for you to understand the concepts but most of us just spend the time as a break away from the usual major courses that we take.
There is also a wallet folding activity, and a origami to fold during the semester. Apparently, there is a small black market for people who wish to outsource their work to others for a small fee. This is an option to consider if you are lazy or tight for time.
Other components
Aside from the quizzes that has to be completed every 2 weeks, there are also a total of 6 forum posts that has to be completed throughout the semester, usually 1 post for each of the 6 pillars. Finally, there is a final reflection paper that you will need to take one of the forum questions and write an lengthier response in the form of a reflection paper for the module.
Overall, there are a lot of components, but the time that you will spend on this module is negligible compared to the other modules that you will be taking during the semester. I strongly encourage people to overload during the semester that they are taking this module.
Other information
Assignment workload: There are 6 quizzes and 6 forum posts to complete during the semester, plus one final reflection paper.
Project workload: There were no projects.
Readings: None
Recommended if: A compulsory module for everyone except those taking the residential programmes. Definitely not worth for the tuition fees paid.
Rating: 3.5/5. Free 4 MCs to earn, but at what cost?
Expected grade: CS
Actual grade: CS
Last updated
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